‘Whitefly’ is the family name of whiteflies (Aleyrodinae), of which the greenhouse whitefly is one of the best known.
Also known as:
Snow flies
Whitefly is the family name of whiteflies (Aleyrodinae), of which the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) is one of the best known. Other well-known white flies are the silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella).
Whiteflies live on the underside of the leaf from which they suck the chlorophyll. Because they are often present en masse, they can cause substantial damage to crops. Whiteflies also secrete honeydew resulting in sooty mold. The greenhouse whitefly is now resistant to insecticides. Natural enemies include parasitoid wasps, predatory bugs and the larvae of lacewings.
Where to find
- Green house
- Vegetable plot and ornamental garden
- Houseplants
Difficult to control. Remove infested plants. Spray with pyrethrum. The parasitoid wasp (commercially available) can also be used in greenhouse cultivation.
Rapeseed oil is an effective pesticide; however, it is not selective, so it also kills beneficial insects (bee, bumblebee, ladybird).
The parasitoid wasp is a natural enemy and is used in greenhouse horticulture to control the greenhouse whitefly.
Fit the windows of greenhouses with insect-proof mesh to keep whiteflies out.
Remove plant debris after harvest.