Wasps are useful animals: they pollinate flowers and kill many flies, mosquitoes and insect larvae every day
Do not confuse with:
European hornet (Vespa crabro)
Hornet mimic hoverfly (Volucella zonaria)
Wasp (Vespula vulgaris). Wasps are useful animals: they pollinate flowers and kill many flies, mosquitoes and insect larvae every day. They love nectar, fruit and anything with sugar in it (ice cream, lemonade).
Control necessary only if they are a nuisance or dangerous (nest in barn or home).
Gall wasps, parasitoid wasps and sawflies live solitary, these do not need to be controlled.
Where to find
- Vegetable plot and ornamental garden
Hang a wasp trap.

Placing a tray or plate with eaten sweet fruit (fall fruit: apples, pears, pears) also lure wasps away.
Prevent an excess of wasps in the orchard or vegetable garden by removing fall fruit. Do not remove an adult wasp nest yourself; leave this to an expert.