Septoria blight survives on seed. Infection occurs during periods of warm and humid weather (late summer, early fall).
Also known as:
Septoria spot
Septoria leaf spot
Not to be confused with:
Septoria leaf blotch (Zymoseptoria tritici)

Septoria blight (Septoria spp). This fungus survives on seed. Infection occurs during periods of warm and humid weather (late summer, early fall).
Splashing rain spreads the spores. Therefore, any infestation begins on the older, lower leaves are spread by splashing raindrops.
Septoria blight is more common in areas with light soils than in areas with clay soils.
Where to find
- Chrysanthemum
- Gladiolus
- Celeriac
- Rhododendron
- Leaf celery
- Rose
Remove infested plants.
Clean up plant debris. Apply crop rotation. Make sure that the wind has free access to the plants so that they dry quickly after rain. Keep the (vegetable) garden weed-free.