Meadow spittlebug, this + 6 mm sized insect is quite common and widespread.
Also known as:
Meadow froghopper
Meadow spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius). This + 6 mm insect is quite common and widespread. The meadow spittlebug is brownish gray with light spots. The spittlebug makes a foam nest in which the pale green larvae live. The flake of foam is mainly found on cuckoo flowers (Cardamine pratensis) en broom (Genista). The foam consists of whipped plant juice. The nest protects the larvae from enemies and dehydration by the sun. With rain, the foam nest washes away, upon which the spittlebug makes a new one.
Spittlebugs can be found in many different environ
Meadow spittlebugs feed on many different plant species, mainly grasses (Poaceae species), herbs and sometimes trees (including the olive tree), helping to spread Xylella.
Where to find
- Lavender
- Cuckoo flower
- Broom
- Grasses
Meadow spittlebugs hardly damage plants; they pose no threat. Control is not necessary.
Does not apply.