Large white, butterfly with a wingspan of about 65 mm.
Large white (Pieris brassicae) Butterfly with a wingspan of ± 65 mm, belonging to large family of butterflies (Pieridae). Large White is closely related to the Small White (Pieris rapae). Large whites are common in Europe, North Africa and Asia.
The caterpillars eat the leaves of crucifers, including cabbage.
The butterfly lays its eggs on the underside of cruciferous leaves. The caterpillars hatch after fourteen days.

Where to find
- Cruciferous plants
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Red cabbage
- Kale
- Brussels sprouts
Remove the caterpillars.
Insect netting prevents the butterfly from laying eggs on the crop. Keep host plants such as honesty and shepherd’s purse away. Check regularly for caterpillars and catch them. Dip cabbages in water after harvest to detect hidden caterpillars.
Place an insect house for parasitoid wasps; the parasitoid wasp is one of its natural enemies.