The beech gall midge is a mosquito over four mm in size and is one of the largest gall midges, found in Europe.
Beech gall midge (Mikiola fagi). This mosquito, over four mm in size, is one of the largest gall midges found in Europe. This gall midge causes the more than one cm large galls on the top of beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaves. The galls turn from green to red. The galls release as soon as the leaves yellow. In the gall fallen to the ground, the larva overwinters. In spring, the gall midges emerge to lay its eggs on beech buds. After the eggs hatch, the larvae begin eating at the beech leaf.
The beech gall midge is common in Europe.
Where to find
- Beech
Beech gall midge causes no damage; control unnecessary.
Does not apply.