Allium leaf miner – the maggots of the small, gray flies measuring ± 3 mm feed throughout the summer and fall.
Allium leaf miner (Phytomyza gymnostoma). The maggots of small, gray flies measuring ± 3 mm feed throughout the summer and fall. At the end of the growing season, they pupate into the brown pupae found at the bottom of leaf mines, where they hibernate.
Especially on plants of the Onion genus (Allium) you can find the allium leaf miner.
Slightly affected stems need not be discarded. Cut out the brown spots and use the rest in soup, for example. Remove severely affected stems. The removed stems can be added to the compost pile, the heat in the compost pile and the fungi will still kill any live flies. Or give the affected leeks to the chickens.
From early August carefully cover with Medium Insect Netting (0.8mm). In summer keep soil around the le
Plant onions, lavender or carrots among the le