iPhone Datalogger Using The iOS Bluetooth App BLExAR
A Bluetooth module (HM-10) and an Arduino (Elego Uno R3) creates a data acquisition system. A DHT-22 sensor provides temperature and humidity data to the Arduino which will be recorded by an iOS device via the BLExAR app.
Possible application: temperature gradient in greenhouse or outdoor space.
Temperature Monitor with DHT22 and I2C 16×2 LCD
A portable temperature and humidity gadget. The DHT22 sensor has a large range for humidity and temperature and an accuracy of 0, 5%.
The sensor is placed outside the housing to prevent unwanted heating by the LCD and Arduino.
Measure Distance Using the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor – HC-SR0
To detect or measure the distance, it transmits the signal to the target and the target reflects that back. Arduino measure time is taken for complete travel. As the speed of sound is known the distance between module and target can be calculated easily.
Application: portable distance meter from 10 to 500 cm.
Air Quality (CO2 + TVOC values) and Temperature Humidity.
This device measures the CO2 value, TVOC value, temperature and humidity. The air quality is live on the LCD display.
Built with an Arduino and the sensors CCs811 and DHT22. Enhanced with warning lights: green: <700 Volatile organic compounds (TVOC); 701 – 100: yellow and >1000: red. Cabinet around it proved to be another challenge. Due to lack of proper tools, that didn’t work out very well either.
Application: measuring air quality.
Lightning detection
The Lightning Detector AS3935 is capable of detecting lightning up to 40km away with an accuracy of 1km to the storm front with a sensitive antenna tuned to pick up lightning events in the 500kHz band. Original ‘sketch’ assumed a serial connection via comp port to a PC. I modified that to a stand-alone setup with output to an LCD display.
Application: thunderstorm warning.