This independent website has no commercial purpose; the site was built out of hobby and tries to be a source of information for the (vegetable) gardener.
The chapters on diseases and pests from the Vegetable Gardening Handbook (Dutch) form the basis of this site, supplemented with photos and information about plants, shrubs and trees in the ornamental garden.
The website contains trade names or brand names. Creator of the site respects the property rights associated with mentioned brand and trade names.
The creator and those who have contributed are not liable for any injuries or other damages resulting from the use of this website.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This means that parts of the text may be copied. This does not apply to all photos. Photos captioned “CC BY ..” are from Wikipedia, Creative Commons or Wikimedia Commons. The same applies to these photos as to the text. Virtually all other photos are posted with permission from third parties – reuse is not included.
It turned out to be impossible to trace the copyright holders of some photos. If anyone believes they can claim any right to a published image, I would like to hear from you.
Incorporating content from this website into another website, for example by framing or embedding, is not permitted.
Own experience (and that of others), supplemented with, among others:
Plant parasites of Europe
Kew Gardens
Wageningen university
© 2018 – 2025 Bram Wolthoorn
Software Encyclopedia: Dennis Hoppe
Site: WordPress (Twenty Seventeen) + WPBakery
Hosting: Brain Communicatie, Kapelle (NL)
Frontpage: apple with apple scab – photo: PlantEnPlagen
Privacybeleid is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

Help improve this site
Do you find an error or is something missing in a description? Email me!
Do you have a picture of a disease or pest that is missing, send it to me and it will be posted, stating the photographer and the disease or pest found.
Do you have a special pest or disease in one of your plants? Let me know!